Standard 1 And 2 Learning Game Play With Fun And Learn
Papá, Mamá, and Roberto went into the fields, leaving Francisco to watch his brother, Trampita.Francisco stands on top of the car to watch his family as they went into the field.At lunch, Papá wanted to eat quickly, while Roberto and Francisco wanted lunch to last longer.Francisco picks cotton in the fields for the first time.When Papá, Mamá, and Roberto came back from the fields, they found Trampita crying with a dirty diaper.Papá finds dirt clods mixed in with the cotton Francisco picked.Papá informs Francisco that his job is to watch Trampita and not to pick cotton.Map
Add to ongoing class activities like a KWL chart or map: where did the characters go?
Click on Country profiles, Explore the WorldScroll down to North America, click on MexicoRead the country profileClick on Printable Outline MapSelect Mexico and leave second dropdown bar blank for all of MexicoClick Enlarge
The map activity continues with the groups adding the journey from the border to Guadalupe, CA. Important: Student should use different colors for every journey line.
Explore Activity
Explore the reading more deeply with a visual or oral language activity.