The magic of memory Test your memory Yaadshakti No Jadoo part-2

The magic of memory Test your memory Yaadshakti No Jadoo part-2

The magic of memory Test your memory. There are several techniques that you can use to improve your memory. Try the following exercise to see how well you normally remember things, then move onto the next section to learn one of the skills of retention.
The magic of memory Test your memory Yaadshakti No Jadoo part-2

We will give you a Video Story of Crow and cockroach to watch through once, then click below and see how many you can remember. Remember, no cheating as that will not show you how well you can improve your memory.

Have a sheet of questions multiple answer select correct.

Ready to take the knowledge power?
In a moment, you'll see a list of words. Read over them for 30 seconds or so and then click the next button. Read once only, concentrating briefly for a few seconds on each word.
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