Std-1-2 Pragna Ane Non pragna Vachan mahavara mate Sachitra video Balpothi

Sachitra Balpothi Video Links

Std-1 and 2 Pragna Material Download PDF.What is Pragya? The implementation of Pragya approach has been started in Std. Pragya means knowledge through activity. The state government has implemented it so that children can learn through activity and remember it easily. 
Part-1 Video mate Niche aapel link uper click karo

Part-2 Video mate Niche aapel link uper click karo

Part-3 Video mate Niche aapel link uper click karo

Part-4 Video mate Niche aapel link uper click karo

If the children of Std-1 and Std-2 are coming to school for the first time, if they learn through activities instead of book knowledge, their interest will be maintained and they will be interested in studies. Gujarat State Government GCERT has started the implementation of Pragya approach from 2009.

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