How to book Corona vaccine slot on WhatsApp?
After launching the feature of downloading the certificate of Covid 19 on WhatsApp, now through the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare you can also book a slot of Corona virus vaccine through WhatsApp using the Mike Government Corona help desk chat boat.
With this new feature people can know how many slots are available now and book a plot for themselves.
Below is information on how you can book lots of your vaccinations using WhatsApp.
To book a coronavirus vaccine using your WhatsApp you need to have an active WhatsApp account and an ongoing internet connection.
- First save the number 9013151515 on your smartphone as my gov helpdesk.
- Then select the New Chat option from the bottom.
- Then find the number of my gov that was saved and send the book slot.
- Then a 6 digit OTP will be sent to your phone. Enter it.
- And if you have registered many people on the same number, you will be asked for whom you are booking the vaccine slot.
- And then you have to choose the date, time, place and brand of the vaccine.
Your vaccine appointment will be confirmed by the chatbot.