Gujarat Government's Vehicle Accident Assistance Scheme Circular and Form for Receipt of Assistance
Gujarat Government's Vehicle Accident Assistance Scheme Circular and Form for Receipt of Assistance. Accident happens to the person but the whole family suffers as a result. Even then, when the person in charge of the house dies in an accident, the whole family becomes mentally and financially destitute. The number of accidents on the road is increasing with the increasing number of vehicles. According to experts, at least 50% of mortality can be avoided if victims are hospitalized within the first hour.
Immediately after an accident is the first hour that requires emergency medical treatment, and if no such treatment is available or immediate treatment after an accident. If left unchecked, most accident victims die. With this in mind, it was under the consideration of the government to provide free medical treatment to the person injured in any vehicle accident in any part of Gujarat within the stipulated time limit and to provide health and safety. In view of this, the scheme has been sanctioned by all government and private hospitals at a cost of Rs.
Rules of the Vehicle Accident Assistance Scheme
1. All the injured who are the victims of an accident within the limits of the State of Gujarat, regardless of the financial status of the beneficiary, state or nationality, are entitled to this benefit.
2. Consent letter JJ Hospital will have to get a letter from the relatives of the injured as they want to take advantage of this scheme and why they have to present it by phone.
3. Awareness of the outline of the scheme and Rs. 50 for injuring millions in vehicle accidents will be immediately available. Such injured persons will be paid by the State Government for all the treatment operations etc. during immediate treatment.