How to impart self defense training to secondary and higher secondary school girls

self defense training to secondary and higher secondary school girls

Regarding the involvement of all primary and secondary schools in the online self-defense training of girls from Std. 6 to Std. 12. Regarding the above subject, various efforts are being made by the education department for the education of students as schools are closed due to the current covid nineteen epidemic. But now that schools are closed, it is not possible to provide self-defense training to daughters. Self-defense training is largely physical. Shiksha Gandhinagar has prepared an online self defense training course which will be started from 22nd December 2020. In order to make the training available to all the daughters of Std. 6 to 12, the following are requested to organize the following.
There are 24 parts in this course which will be uploaded during eight weeks from 22nd December 2020 to 28th February 2021. 
Arranging for timely access to all daughters from 6th to 12th. Make any one teacher from each school the nodal teacher of training and give all the responsibility related to the training to that teacher. Model teacher. During the monitoring, it is possible to know which school the maximum number of daughters join so that all the daughters of the school complete the online training. 
It is the responsibility of the school to join the main course through the portal. You can watch a video for information on how to join more than one and how to fill out the declaration form so that Registration can be done by registering and joining the training before joining the training. Registration can be done by mobile number and e-mail. Imagine that the daughters will have completed one year after seeing all 24. This certificate from the initiation portal.

Self-defense training and certain techniques that require two persons are mandatory so that when any daughter undergoes training, her siblings can practice with either of them as a partner. It is easy to do exercises like wearing pajamas. Training should be taken 3 to 4 hours after a meal before the meal. All persons from 5 years to 50 years can take this training. Make sure to check it out

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