Hindi Sangya Game For Reading Prepration
The word that denotes the 'name' of a creature, object, place, caste, sentiment etc. is called noun.
The noun has mainly three distinctions:
(1) Proper Noun
(2) Common Noun
(3) Abstract NounProper noun (Vyaktivachak Sangya)
The word which denotes a single object or person is called a proper noun.
Examples: Taj Mahal, Ganga, Deepawali, Ram, Himalaya, Kavita |
Castive noun (Jativachak Sangya)
The word that denotes the entire substance of a group or a caste is called a biotic noun.
Examples: dog, teacher, book, tailor
Emotional noun (Bhavvachak Sangya)
A noun that denotes the qualities, faults, religion, condition, nature, etc. of a substance is called an emotional noun.
Examples: youth, humanity, cleverness, length, sweetness, friendship.
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