Circular as According by 30 years of Employment or 50 to 55 years old whichever is higher

Circular as According by 30 years of Employment or 50 to 55 years old whichever is higher 

Retirement GR as indicated by 30 years of work or 50 to 55 years old whichever is higher. Occasional Review of Central Government Employees for fortifying of organization under Fundamental Rule (FR) 56(j)/(I) and Rule 43 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 

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Guidelines have been given every now and then for undertaking occasional audit of execution of Government workers so as to discover whether the Government worker ought to be held in administration or resigned from administration rashly, in broad daylight enthusiasm, according to Fundamental arrangements/Rule alluded in the subject refered to above. So as to get better lucidity to the current directions and empower uniform execution, an exertion has been made to audit, combine and emphasize the rules so far gave regarding the matter at one spot. 

2. The target of Fundamental Rule (FR) 56(j)/(1) and Rule 48 of CC(Pension) Rules, 1972, is to reinforce the regulatory hardware by creating capable and effective organization at all levels and to accomplish productivity, ecanomy and speed in the removal of Government capacities. It is explained that untimely retirement of Government workers under these standards isn't a punishment. It is unmistakable from 'Obligatory Retirement, which is one of recommended punishments under CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965. 

3. Arrangements identifying with pre-experienced retirement in the Fundamental Rules and CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 3.1 The Appropriate Authority has unquestionably the option to resign a Government worker under FR 56(), FR 56(1) or Rule 48 (1) (b) of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 all things considered, in the event that it is important to do as such out in the open intrigue. 

The above subtleties ought to be given to the Government and ought to be given main concern. Without sending any data from the taluka/school level, the subtleties of your area ought to be gathered at the region level and sent with the mark coin of the region essential training official/lead representative. So observe.

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