STD-1 And 2 Activity-4 Plastic Na Glass mathi Minaro Banavavo

STD-1 And 2 Activity-4

Plastic Na Glass mathi Minaro Banavavo

Activities for children and their family
Enjoy this extra time you now have with your child or children. Below are some suggested activities you can do to stay engaged:
• Make a scrapbook of important people or items and go through it together.
• Sing songs and recite nursery rhymes.
• Go on discovery walks. Look for colors in nature or in the neighborhood, numbers on houses or buildings, letters on signs and shapes in nature and on houses. You can also listen for different sounds, including a lawnmower, a bird chirping, a car driving or a neighbor talking.
• Play hopscotch. Practice drawing squares, writing numbers and jumping and hopping skills.
• Make obstacle courses inside the home or outside.
• Have fun looking for cloud shapes or animals in the sky.
• Provide your child with a ruler or measuring tape and let them have fun recording the length of items outside, including rocks, sticks, etc. Talk about which is the longest and which is the shortest.

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