What Is UPI123Pay system?

What Is UPI123Pay system? How to Registration?

What Is UPI123Pay system? How to Registration?.

Digital UPI payments can now be made even without internet and smartphones

 Benefit to 400 million feature phone users in the country

 Money will be transferred in minutes without interne

 The UPI123Pay system has been launched by Reserve Bank Governor Shaktikant Das to facilitate the common man who uses feature phones.

What Is UPI123Pay system? How to Registration?

 Digital UPI payments can be made through this system without internet and smartphone.  The country's 400 million feature phone users will benefit from this.  This will allow you to transfer money in just a few minutes without internet.  Through this system, users will be able to make payments and receive money.  Shaktikant Das said that in February 2022, 453 crore entries were made to use the UPI system and Rs.  8.26 crore were transacted.

 How to register?

 Like smartphone users, feature phone users will first have to link the debit card associated with their bank account to the feature phone to avail the UPI123Pay system.  Users will also have to set their own UPI PIN code for this.  For feature phones, RBI UPI has to process three steps.  In which you have to make a call, select who is going to pay and then pay by entering the prescribed code.  Users will have to call the FasTag number to connect the debit card with UPI as well as make the payment and then make payment by selecting options like money transfer, haltwjjjt recharge or mobile recharge, mobile bill payment from the given options.  The Reserve Bank has launched a 24-hour helpline http://www.digisaathi.info to help users.  In this new system users will get all the features except Scan & Pay. 

How to pay?

 Understand that if you want to transfer money to someone, you have to add the number of the person to whom the money is to be sent.  Then you have to enter the amount you want to transfer.  After this you will have to enter your UPI PIN code.  An app based payment system or a missed call payment system or a voice based payment system can be used if any merchant wants to transfer money.

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