National achivement Survey Exam Online Training 2021
National achivement Survey Exam Online Training 2021.Learning Outcome Examination will be held on November 12 under the National Achievement Survey
The first phase of training of nominated field investigator under National Achievement Survey took place at District Institute of Education and Training (DIET). Under the National Achievement Survey, the Learning Outcome exam is proposed on November 12 across the country.
Prior to this, the National Achievement Survey exam was held in 2017. The National Achievement Survey examination to be held every three years was proposed in 2020, but due to covid-19, this examination could not be held then. All the field investigators designated to conduct the examination who are basically ARPs, Shikshak Sankul, SRG, Trainees and spokespersons of various institutions. They were given detailed information about the various activities related to the Learning Outcome Examination by Atul Kumar Shukla, in-charge of Diet Spokesman Training.National achivement Survey Exam Online Training 2021.
He said that under this campaign 203 schools have been selected in the district. 305 field investigators have been nominated to conduct the examination in these schools. The examination pertains to the students of class three, five, eight and ten.National achivement Survey Exam Online Training 2021