Prepositions English Grammar Game Play And Learn
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What Is A Preposition?
A preposition is a word that tells you where or when something is in relation to something else.
Examples of prepositions include words like after, before, on, under, inside and outside.
The house was on the hill beside a tree.
In this sentence 'on' and 'beside' are prepositions which show you exactly where the house was.
List Of Prepositions
Prepositions are a vital component to reading and writing as they describe relationships between other words in a sentence.
Help your third graders familiarize themselves with 70 of the most used prepositions by posting this helpful worksheet around the classroom. Use this list of prepositions to bolster your next grammar lesson to help expand your students’ vocabularies and familiarity with this important part of speech.
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Part of a series of animated films following a cast of characters’ adventures and mishaps as they get to grips with grammatical terms.
In this film, Space Cadet Carl gets into a tangled situation on the space station – luckily Selena Stardust is on hand to save the day and help Carl learn about prepositions.
This clip is from the series Grammar for 11-14 year olds.