Matter Of Distributing Self-Study Books To The Students Of Std-1 and 2

Matter of distributing self-study books to the students of Std. 1 and 2

Reference - according to the endorsement got by the Hon'ble Secretary (P.A. what's more, M.A.) on the note dated 17/10/2050, as indicated by the above subject and reference, to express that Pragya approach (information through movement) in Std. 1 and 2 in all administration elementary schools of the state. Inside instructive work is finished. Writing arranged by Pragya approach is given to the schools in the long stretch of June consistently. This writing must be composed by the understudies independently under the immediate direction of the educator. As this is a movement based program, the composing work is done after the understudies have done the exercises as demonstrated in the card and as appeared in the educator's form. 

In any case, because of the current circumstance of Covid-19, it is unimaginable to expect to call the understudies in the schools, so from the long stretch of June, the instructive issues of the unit are being communicated by Doordarshan Kendra DD Girnar for the instructive work of the understudies of Std. 1 to 12. In like manner, from September 2020, instructive transmissions are additionally being led by DD Girnar for the understudies of Std. 1 and 2. Reading material has been given to the understudies of Std. 1 to 12 in June 2020. So understudies can utilize it to do schoolwork. 

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There is no different course reading for understudies of Std. 1 and 2 in Pragya approach, yet they need to get bunch meeting in homeroom measure and write in self investigation book as indicated by Pragya approach, with the goal that understudies can't be brought in schools as of now. According to the guidelines of the educator through the DD Girnar direct and within the sight of the gatekeeper, the understudies are approached to make legitimate courses of action for appropriate writing in oneself examination book. 

. Dispersion by the instructor who will give oneself examination book according to the rules of the administration with respect to the current Koro pandemic. Request that the understudy take care that the understudy doesn't compose the whole self-study book or units in a brief timeframe. Requesting to be mindful so as to write in the page as recommended in the instructive program of the unit broadcasting from DD Girnar. Understudies should compose with pencil in oneself investigation book. . . Taking into account the above issues, oneself examination book on the Pragya approach of Std. 1 and 2 made accessible in June 2020 in the schools where the scholastic work is done under Pragya approach in Std. 1 and 2 is to be told by the instructor companions to circulate to the understudies at home. is coming .

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