PRAGNA Pravruti Gujarati Barakshari Ramat Play And Learn

PRAGNA Pravruti Gujarati Barakshari Ramat Play And Learn 

Movement based learning: Gujarat govt downsizes Pragna, restricts it to class I and II 

Eight years after the dispatch of Pragna, a "movement based learning", in the administration grade schools of Gujarat, the venture has been impressively downsized. In the wake of spending Rs 150 crore and directing a progression of instructional courses for more than 80,000 instructors till 2017, the task will be restricted to just Class I and II from this year, rather than Class I to V as it was being executed till now. 

The Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training (GCERT) has named the choice to downsize the undertaking with an expect to universalise it.Gujarati Barakshari 

"The transition to eliminate Pragna from Class III to V, and scale it down to all Class I and II, is planned for universalising it. This was essential for its better usage," GCERT Director T S Joshi revealed to The Indian Express, highlighting the undertaking presently being presented in across 33,000-odd government grade schools. Till date, Pragna secured almost 23,000 government elementary schools. 

A run of the mill Pragna study Gujarati Barakshari hall has floor seating, rather than the line section astute work area seat guest plan. The kids are separated into four gatherings and situated on dhurries enclosing splendid red hued precise tables joined to make a little circle, doing their own action. 

The six gatherings wherein Class I and II understudies Gujarati Barakshari were at first ordered were educator upheld gathering, mostly instructor upheld gathering, peer uphold gathering, fractional companion uphold gathering, self learning gathering and assessment gathering. Presently, halfway educator upheld gathering and fractional friend uphold bunch have been discarded.

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